It’s a nightmare for every business owner, large and small. A cyber breach with data being stolen means that your clients’ information is out the door, and being used in ways you cannot control. Not having the right preventative policies and processes in place is only...
Password Security
Third Party Security: Who’s Minding Their Store?
Giant Tiger made the news this month with a security breach related to a third party. The discount retailer used another company to manage customer engagement and communications. Customer data, including contact information and home addresses were compromised, leaving Giant Tiger with the task of contacting customers to warn them of phishing emails and phone calls likely to ensue as a result.
Stopping the Leaks: How to Play Safe on Today’s Internet
Sara finds an email in her inbox, notifying her that she has been the victim of a data leak through one of her social media accounts. Brad gets a similar email, letting him know that his private information is no longer secure after his favourite online store experienced a security breach. These types of notifications are almost commonplace as cybercriminals become increasingly sophisticated in their attacks on the networks that hold our data. In fact, there have been over 26 billion records exposed in what Canadian cybersecurity researchers are terming a “supermassive leak”.
Secure Giving: Passing on your Devices, Not your Information
You’ve upgraded to the latest technology, but you still want someone to benefit from your old phone, computer, or smart tablet. Maybe you’re handing down that still useful iPad to the kids or your smartphone to great-aunt Joyce. Perhaps you’re donating your old...
How to Create a Comprehensive Cybersecurity Plan for Your Business
When you’re running a company, there are a lot of moving parts to consider. You may be managing inventory and operations, delegating tasks to various departments, and ensuring efforts are coordinated to streamline your processes. At the same time, you want to make sure that information required to keep your company functional is protected from outside threats. To do this, you need a cybersecurity plan.
Today’s hackers are sophisticated and organized
Often, we think of hackers as loners getting up to mischief in a basement apartment somewhere. We don’t think of them as big business — but they are!
Today’s hackers are often part of a large organization with sophisticated means of stealing data from customers and employees of companies big and small. Most insidious are ransomware disguised as software programs and plugins. They work from the inside out, creating backdoors that can rob you of sensitive data for a year or more before they are even detected.
Your digital secrets are not as secret as you think!
The internet is a marvellous place. From watching cat videos on social media to doing online business banking, there's an awful lot we do on the web. So it's probably not an exaggeration to say that much of our lives are online. And there's a lot out there that you...
Is your Wi-Fi network as safe as it could be?
87% of consumers put their information at risk while using public Wi-Fi. Source: 2017 Norton Wi-Fi Risk Report, Norton by Symantec, 2018
Protect your customers and your reputation
85% of organizations are the target of social engineering attacks, like phishing. Source: The Cost of Cybercrime, Accenture Security, 2019
We've got your back!
We know the information security space can be a little intimidating, but we’ve got your back. We offer no-judgement solutions to a wide range of cybersecurity challenges. Contact us for a custom quote. [Hyperlink]
Malware attacks can be very costly. Are you protected?
Malware attacks cost organizations an average of $3.4 million each year. Source: The Cost of Cybercrime, Accenture Security, 2019
The Internet is basically our best friend (or at least connects us to our BFFs)!
91% of Canadians aged 15+ use the Internet. Source: Canadian Internet Use Survey, Statistics Canada, 2019
Canadians spend over 40 billion hours a year online
73% of Canadians spend at least 3-4 hours online per day. Source: Canada’s Internet Factbook, Canadian Internet Registration Authority, 2019.